Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All my "What ifs...?"

Some big changes happening around these parts. The biggest (other than school starting) is that I got a job! With Little Brother heading off to kindergarten, I now have three kids in school full time! Woohoo!


Now I won't be available to drop everything and run to Grace's school if she needs me. I'm working at a different elementary school than my kids attend, but within the same district. (Our district has a policy against hiring at the school where your children attend.) I'll have the same hours as my kids - I'll get them on the bus in the morning and be home before them in the afternoon. But it's those pesky hours in between that I'm concerned about.

I love, love, LOVE our school nurse and have all the faith in the world in her ability to take care of Grace. But I'm still scared. What if...?

And then there's the benefits question. My family is now covered under my husband's plan at work. He works at a small business and has to cover a large chunk of the premiums himself, and they keep going up every year. Last year they changed health insurance providers to save some money. He's already been told to expect large increases this year.

I'm eligible to get health insurance through my new job. We'd be saving money, but it means we'd have to change insurance for the second time this year. (I know, in the big picture not a problem, it's just a pain with all Grace's paperwork.) My bigger fear is, what if I'm not hired again next year (I'm in a somewhat flexible position that may, or may not, be open next year.) If we commit to this insurance, and my husband drops his plan, what happens if in June I find out my services won't be needed next year? We'd have to wait until open enrollment for my husband to join with his company again. That would be a lapse of about 4 months.

Chances are, I'll have my job for as long as I want it. I'm just feeling a tad, "glass is half empty" about this. I'm nervous about something that probably won't even happen, 10 months from now! And I'm nervous about school starting and me missing Little Brother's first day. And I'm nervous about not being available for Grace.

Way to many, "What if...?"s

How do you working moms do it?


  1. That is just a dumb policy. Seriously!

  2. Hang in there girl! I worked part-time when Joe was diagnosed as a Surgical and Pediatric ICU (Joe was 3 at the time). I had stopped working for a year or so as I had to do his insulin administration at preschool. Now that he is in elementary school I sub as a school nurse and work from home. IT has allowed me flexibility. I am fortunate that our benefits are a non-issue as they are through my husbands work. I hope your year gets off to a great start.

  3. If you get laid off next year, won't you be eligable for COBRA until you can get back on your husbands plan? I hope so...I know the worry. Insurance is such a pain!

    I have no idea how working moms do it. When J was diagnosed 12 years ago at 8 months old, it was clear it would be a long time before I'd be able to work again. We have been blessed to make it without me working...some years JUST.

    All will be well friend! We have to try not to let the what ifs eat us alive! Good luck with your new job!

  4. First, congratulations on your new job!!! I hope that it all works out well, I'm sure it will. I don't have much advice in this department for you, I'm a stay at home momma and this is not something we have had to worry about...yet.

    Like Meri said...all will be well friend!!! I understand your worries and I totally get the "what ifs"

    Good luck with everything and hang in there my friend :)

  5. Story of my life Pam. I ended up quitting my 21 year career when G was dx'd in January 2009. Talk about a pay cut! Then we tried to switch G to hubby's insurance plan as I always carried the kiddos and BAM! DENIED because she had a pre-existing condition by then. She ended up on our CHIP program in the state - the only insurance company who would take her was government run. It's a very good plan. She is still on it. Only now, close to 2 years later, am I slowly re-entering the workforce and with a sense of trepidation.
    I wish you luck, with your job and the whole insurance quandry. Nothing was ever the same after her diagnosis, for us.
