Monday, August 9, 2010

Walk Kick-Off

Yesterday we attended a kick-off event for our 2010 JDRF Walk For a Cure. It was held at the Franklin Park Zoo, and a yummy lunch was provided by Panera - both local sponsors of the walk. Other than it being wiltingly hot, we all had a great time.

Grace and a friend watching the hot, tired, lazy lion.

We caught her heading down in time for a snack.

Insulin pump, Walk t-shirt, and a big 'ol cake batter ice cream cone! What's wrong with this picture? (bolused correctly, BTW!)

As fate would have it, we bumped into the family that gave us our Bag of Hope. They live about 30 minutes from us, but other than the one meeting we've never seen each other. But there they were, hanging out at the petting area. It's funny how you can talk forever to virtual strangers once the D connection is made! It feels like instant family.

A big THANKS to the zoo and Panera! We had a great day, and it's time to get ready to walk!


  1. How fun!! And now I totally want some ice cream!

  2. YEAH!!!! Congrats on a successful walk....and I'm with Laura...let's celebrate with ice cream :)
