Sunday, September 5, 2010

JDRF Walk Video

Here it is! The official unveiling of our 2010 JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes Video.
(it takes a few seconds to upload... it'll be just below soon...)


  1. Hey Pam...was it the video on the sidebar? I watched that one. You did a fantastic job. I have always done walk letters but think this year I will work on a video. Was it hard to make?

  2. OK, I have now watched both videos - Yes, I am a dope. It took it awhile to load. Great Job! Your family is beautiful.

  3. Great video! I hope you make tons of money with Grace's Aces.

  4. I love your video. Watching Walk videos makes me want to just hug all of our kids. Seeing your pictures, your daughter's life with diabetes looks so much like my daughter's life. And I know your worries and thoughts often look just like mine. Thanks for the inspiration to make a video with my daughter. And thanks for blogging.

  5. This made me teary-eyed. It's wonderful. I hope it tugs at the heart strings of others, as it did mine, and your fundraising efforts exceed your expectations! Good luck!

    Nice song choice, too. We used a different version of this song on our first JDRF Walk video. :)
