Monday, January 3, 2011

The Naked Truth

One of the things Grace wanted for Christmas was an insulin pump skin. Her pump is just over a year old, but definitely beginning to show signs of wear and tear. So a little birdie told my sister, and what do you think was under the tree on Christmas morning?

Tie-dye! Just the one she wanted! OMG, Aunt D is the BEST!

But there seems to be a problem. For the eight days she wore the skin, she had three major problems. Each time her blood sugars have risen and refused to come down. I'm talking 300s and 400s. Each time the site looks fine when we pull it. Each time it's been a relatively new site.

What I'm saying is, there were no air bubbles in the tubing, no blood in the canula, the canula was not kinked, and the insulin was fresh. Could it be that the rubber skin not allowing air to circulate around the pump and thus heating up the insulin? It's an Animus pump and an Animus skin - they're made to go together. But, hello? Three site changes in 8 days? Seems a bit much, no?

Has anyone else had this problem? She's taking a break from wearing the skin for now, to test my theory. We'll try again in a couple of days and see if we get different results. But for now it's back to the plain old nakey pump.


  1. could she just be coming down with something? I can't see how the skin should change anything with the pump function or insulin. hmmmmm?

  2. Bekah has the same skin and has not had that problem. Hmmm...I wonder what is going on? Weird kwinydink.

  3. Never used a I am no help. I am all about the "NAKED"!!! WOOT :)

    I hope you guys get it figured out soon. Maybe the "highs" are going around. Our average for the past 7 days is 197!!!ARGH...I don't think we have ever had an average that high :(

  4. We use the skin since starting and never any issues. Right now we are battling lows....good luck! It looks so cute!

  5. How old is your DD? When puberty or even prepuberty hits, watch out.... the highs are like nothing you have ever seen, rapid increases in blood sugar, though for us these always, always started in the evenings. I'm talking the occasional 100 point an hour increase on tested basals, no food eaten to skew the picture. Huge increase in basal needed, but temporarily; she would always eventually come down 2 to 3:30am, when she would revert to her regular basals. So you cannot sleep on these nights but have to keep watch. It may be starting.....

  6. Great skin! I don't know about the skins as we are Pod people, but you may be onto something that affects Grace. Just to let u know, the crazy number train has hit here too - lows and highs and not much steady. Hope you can figure it all out hon!

  7. Super weird. But who knows! Weirder things have happened. I hope you get it figured out soon!

  8. Being a podder I got nothing for ya but just wanted to stop by and say hi! I hope it's not the skin cause it's super cute!

  9. Hi Pam! I can't offer advice as we are not pumpers yet, but I did want to pop in and see what you figured out ;)

    And, I was happy to get your comment about you starting the 365 project. You will LOVE it. I am actually missing taking a photo everyday.

    And, I love your new profile picture. . . . very pretty!

  10. The mystery of D is the hardest part. We are always second guessing everything. Were you able to come to a conclusion?

  11. We've used the skins but haven't ever noticed a problem...I took it off, though, because it made the pump pack a little too snug once I put Dex into the mix last month.
